The most ironic part of this is that it was the label for a swimsuit. Maybe it's not really irony though, maybe that's their scheme. You take off your clothes and you lose a couple pounds instantly anyway!
Finals week special: Free Donuts and Scantrons. Because EVERYONE needs a donut with their scantron.. or is it that everyone needs a scantron with their donut? Hmmmmmm
Any 12 oz size. Nope, sorry not that one.... no, we're out of that one too. Dang it, I said TWELVE ounce! We just add the "any" to make you feel like you have other options.
I'm pretty sure that's not what they mean when they consider you a mystery shopper. However, this is definitely The epitome of assorted... No one ever said they had to tell you what was in the assortment.
Oh yeah, that's right. We rock. Kenneth's number for the 4th of July parade was 42. He drove his Willys towing his teeny two (airplane) on the trailer. We were pretty much the awesomest entry in the whole thing.
So if you go topless you can go more often? more miles? or is this a driver-specific thing as in you can get further with the driver? hmmmmmmm..... Greyhound, not your best advertising scheme. hehe
I have a dream that one day all things will be profitable in educating a society.... Or maybe I just have to giggle at the thought of having a vending machine with books and toys in it. Geniusness!!
I love reading, drinking hot cocoa, reading, sitting by the fire, reading, my dogs, and many other things. My family is pretty much the goofiest group you'll ever meet, and I love them for it. I also love my nephews and nieces, even if I do want to strangle them sometimes.